- How did you manage to stay focused and maintain a clear vision of your project despite the amount of gear lurking over your shoulder every day?
Matheus: I thought that if I reduced the options, I would be able to learn and develop skills even more. It would force myself to go deeper on the things that I had available and to find solutions for doing more with less. In the same direction, I also prefer focusing on doing less in the best quality I can do in that moment rather than doing a lot with questionable quality. But, because of the focus and the intense working process I end up being able to produce more than expected not only in one work but also in others.
- What cultural differences, including those related to music and everyday life, did you observe during your visit?
Matheus: For me, in terms of music culture, the scene of electronic music made with modular and analogue instruments is much stronger here in the North, and the factor that the currency exchange, shipping and inflection increases hugely the prices to South American countries, which reduces the accessibility to those gears. Another interesting difference, that also happens in Tallinn, is the option of education in music schools instead of a scientific school, which puts it all in a different level of quality and accessibility to the education.
The everyday life in comparison to Rio is immense. In terms of food, all sorts of soups, pastries, breads, and drinks are very different from the ones in Brazil and I appreciate most of them very much. A drink that I tried and that intrigued me a lot is Kvass. Something I noticed here in Erica Synths HQ is that you really like cooking and preparing spicy and very tasty food! People in Rio have the tendency to mostly use just onion, garlic, olive oil and black pepper. In terms of dressing, it's also very different, due to the weather, of course, but I got used to it from the time living in Tallinn and Stockholm. In Rio, my mother always makes fun of how in Ipanema you look to your left side and there is a person with very serious clothing going to an office and you look to your right and see someone wearing a bikini on their way to the beach.