Kaspars Rolšteins
Kaspars Rolšteins has studied physics and philsophy, meanwhile his musical exploration dates back to 1986 and a synthpop band from a small city Sabile.
Later in his life Rolšeins has been collaborating with new wave pioneers of Soviet Union as Ingus Baušķenieks & Viesturs Slava from the legendary band Dzeltenie Pastnieki. He is the co-author of numerous albums, operas and movies, one of the many being an opera made in collaboration with contemporary art patriarch Hardijs Lediņš titled ‘‘Rolstein on the Beach’’ (1997). Together with Lediņš they were known as the band ‘‘Ideal Standard’’ and their only album ‘‘Genādijs klauvē pie durvīm’’ has a fully electronic subgenric sound combined with transformed vocals that tell the legend of plumber Genādijs. Lately he has been active publishing electronic compositions on-line altering between drone, ambient and rhythmic pieces.