Sound Meccano
Sound Meccano is an alias of Rostislav Rekuta, a seasoned sound designer and field recordist from Riga, Latvia, who's been making electronic, electroacoustic and ambient music since 1999, most often - in collaborations with various local musicians.
For a long time he collaborated with fellow Latvian artist Evgeniy Droomoff for “Volokno” (2005 / rx:tx) and “Walking Through” (2014 / Naba Music) albums. Continuing the collaboration with the ambient guitarist Jura Laiva for "Andrejosta" (2015 / Flaming Pines), "Sireli Aeg" (2016 / Crónica) and "Salty Wind and Inner Fire" (2017 / Eilean rec.). Since 2007 Rostislav has curated the event series “Space Textures” at The White Night festival in Riga.