
SYNTRX II: Patch Notes

Audible patch examples & explanatory patch notes for the Erica Synths SYNTRX II, created by Andris Indāns - also known as Gas Of Latvia.

Come back for a fresh dose of inspiration - patch notes will be updated on regular basis.


Patch for randomly changing noise and high-hats rhythms. Oscillators 1 and 3 signals are connected to the ring modulator in noise mode, which is further connected to the filter. Oscillator 3 modulates Oscillator 1's frequency and Oscillator Shape, as well as the level of the first output channel to create a stereo effect. Oscillator 1 modulates the frequency of Oscillator 3 and the level of the other output channel for a stereo effect. Sample&hold signal, whose modulation source is Noise, modulates Oscillator 2 and 3, as well as filter frequencies. Trapezoid additionally modulates Oscillator 2 and 3 frequencies. The joystick controls the frequency of Oscillator 3 and serves as an additional modulation source for sample&hold.


Patch for multi-layered synth textures and effects. One layer comes from Oscillators 2 and 3 through the Envelope Generator. The second layer is formed by Oscillator 1 through the Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode, which is connected in parallel to one output channel (creating a stereo effect with the Envelope signal connected to the other output channel), and to the filter, which is connected to both output channels and is also sent in parallel to the Ringmodulator, forming a feedback loop. In turn, the Ring modulator signal is also sent to the Envelope Generator in parallel. Both the Envelope signal and Ringmodulator are connected to Effects. Oscillator 3 modulates Oscillators 2 and 3 and the Oscillator Shape. Sample&hold modulates Oscillator 3, Oscillator Shape, Envelope Decay and Filter Frequency. Noise additionally modulates the Filter Frequency and, together with Oscillator 1, serves as a modulation source for sample&hold. The joystick controls the Oscillator 1 and 2 frequencies.


Drone Patch with floating tone. The oscillators are connected in parallel both to the Filter and the Ring modulator in OSC2 mode, which is also connected to the Filter. The Filter signal is sent to both outputs and effects. All Oscillators serve as modulators for the Filter frequency. In addition, Oscillator 2 modulates Oscillator 1 and Oscillator 3 modulates Oscillator Shape. Trapezoid modulates Oscillator 3. Joystick controls Oscillator 2 and 3 frequencies.


Strongly modulated synth voice with vibrato effect. Oscillators 1 and 3 are connected to the Ring modulator in VCF mode, which is connected to the Envelope Generator and further to the Filter together with Oscillator 1 and 2 signals. The filter is connected in parallel to both outputs and effects. Oscillator 3 frequency is modulated by both sample&hold and Filter signal. The Oscillator Shape is modulated by Oscillator 3, Noise, and Trapezoid signal. Filter Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 3 and Trapezoid. The joystick controls the Oscillator 2 and 3 frequencies.


Patch for multi-layered synth effects and rhythmic textures. Oscillators are connected in parallel both to the Filter and to the Ringmodulator in VCF mode, which is also connected to the Filter. Both Filter and Ring modulator are connected to Effects. Oscillator 1 is modulated by Oscillator 2, sample&hold, and Trapezoid. Oscillator 2 is modulated by Oscillators 1 and 3 and Trapezoid. Oscillator 3 is modulated by Oscillator 1, sample&hold, and Trapezoid. The Filter Frequency is modulated by Oscillators 2 and 3 and the Ring modulator. Joystick controls the frequencies of all Oscillators, as well as Oscillator Shape and Envelope Decay, and together with Noise signal serves as a source of modulations for sample&hold.


A synth voice with an advanced tremolo effect. Osc1&2 are connected through the Ring modulator in OSC3 mode, which is then connected in parallel to the Filter, Effect, Envelope Generator and directly to one output channel to create a stereo effect with the Filter signal connected to the other output channel. The envelope Generator and OSC1 sine signal are also connected by the Filter. The frequency of OSC3 is modulated by OSC1 and Trapezoid, while OSC3 serves as a modulator for Oscillator Shape and Filter Frequency. The ratio between OSC3 and Trapezoid frequencies determines the intensity of the tremolo sound. OSC3 and Filter frequency are controlled by Joystick.


An experimental patch for rhythmic sound textures, sound effects, and noise impro with heavily cross-modulated oscillators. OSC1 together with Noise goes through the Ring modulator in OSC3 mode and is further sent to the Filter, where it meets the signal of OSC3 and the Envelope Generator to which Noise is connected. The Ring modulator and Filter signals are connected both directly each to their own output channel for creating a stereo effect and to the Reverberator. Sample&hold modulates OSC2&3 and Filter Frequency, as well as the Decay level. The Trapezoid modulates Oscillator Shape and together with the Noise signal serves as a source of modulations in sample&hold. The Joystick controls Oscillator frequencies and decay level and also serves as a modulation source for sample&hold.


A synth voice with a richly modulated Filter frequency (oscillators 1 and 3, Trapezoid, Joystick, and the Filter itself). Oscillator 1 and 2 signals are connected to the Envelope Generator and sent to the Filter and Effects. The Ring modulator in VCF mode is also connected to the Filter, through which the Oscillator1 signal goes. Sample&hold modulates both the frequency of Oscillator 3 and the level of Envelope Generator Decay, ensuring a varying rhythmic interaction between the frequencies of Oscillator 3 and Trapezoid signals, which manifests itself in the movement of the Filter.


The low ripple is formed by Oscillator 2 and 3 signals through the Ring modulator in VCF mode, passed through the Filter in Band-pass mode, and sent to the Reverberator. Oscillator 1 is also directly connected to the Filter and its frequency is modulated by Oscillator 2. The upper crackles are created by the Noise signal at the lowest Tone level, which together with the Oscillator 3 signal modulates the Filter Frequency. Oscillator 3 is also used as a modulator to control the level of Oscillator Shape and Trapezoid Decay. At the same time, the Trapezoid modulates the Oscillator 3 Frequency and the interaction of the two modulators creates an irregular rhythmic structure in the sound. The joystick controls Oscillator 1 and Filter Frequency.


Another example of experimenting with the Syntrx as a percussive instrument. Oscillator 1 is connected in parallel to the Envelope Generator and the Ring modulator in VCF mode, then the signals of both modules are sent to the Filter and then to the Effect, each is connected in parallel to its own output channel to create a stereo effect. Oscillator 1 Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 3, but Oscillator 3 frequency is modulated by Oscillator 2. Oscillator 3 also serves as a modulator for the Decay level, Filter Frequency, and a source of sample&hold modulation. Sample&Hold modulates the Filter frequency, Oscillator Shape and Decay level. Oscillator Frequencies are controlled by the Joystick.


A patch for circular sound movement effects and rhythmic textures. The signals of Oscillators 1 and 3 are connected in parallel to both the Filter and the Ring Modulator in VCF mode. The filter signal is then processed by Effects. The Ring Modulator and Filter are each connected to their own output channel in order to create a stereo effect. The Effects are connected to both output channels. Oscillator 3 modulates the frequencies of Oscillators 1 and 2, while Oscillator 2 modulates Oscillator 1 and, together with Noise, serves as a modulation source for sample&hold, which together with Trapezoid and Oscillator 1 signals modulates the Filter frequency. Changes in circular rhythms are mainly done by changing the frequency of Oscillator 3 and the level of the Trapezoid signal.


A patch for generating groovy hi-hat rhythms achieved by a combination of Oscillator, Trapezoid, and Sample&Hold mutual modulations. Oscillators 1 and 3 modulate each other, but Oscillator 3 is additionally modulated by the Trapezoid. The cutoff frequency of the Filter is modulated by Oscillator 3, Sample&hold, the Envelope Generator and the signal of the Filter itself. The Envelope Generator cycle length randomization is done by modulating the Decay with Sample&hold. The source of the audio signal is Noise, which flows through the Envelope Generator to form the rhythmic contour of the sound. In parallel, Noise is also selected as a Ring modulator mode, to which the sample&hold is connected as a modulator. The Ring modulator signal is then sent in parallel to both the Filter and Effects and one output channel. The Filter signal is connected in parallel to the Effects and both output channels.


A drone patch, where Oscillator drones are complemented by a moving noise texture layer. Oscillator 1 and the Noise signal are connected to both the Filter and Ring Modulator in VCF mode. Oscillator 2, which modulates Oscillators 1 and 3, is connected in parallel to both the Filter and the Envelope Generator, whose signal is then sent to the Filter. The Filter, Ring modulator and Envelope signal are connected to Effects. Oscillator 1 modulates the level of one output channel for a stereo effect while Filter and Effects are connected to both output channels. The Filter frequency is simultaneously modulated by the Oscillator 3 signal in the lower frequencies and the Ring Modulator. Trapezoid is used as an additional source of Ring Modulator modulations and as an Oscillator 3 modulator. The main tools for the timbral changes of the sound are Noise and Filter frequency levels.


A synth voice with dreamy modulations. The signals of oscillators 1 and 2 are connected to the Envelope Generator and then to the Filter. The Oscillator 1 sin signal is also connected in parallel to the Ring Modulator in VCF mode, while the Oscillator 1 square signal is directly connected to the Filter, where it meets the signals from the Envelope Generator and Ring Modulator. Both Envelope and Filter signals end up in the Effects module. While Oscillator 3 modulates Filter Frequency, Envelope Decay and Oscillator Shape level, Oscillator 3 frequency is modulated by Trapezoid, Envelope Signal, Joystick, and Oscillator 1, which in turn is modulated by Oscillator 2. Envelope Decay is additionally controlled by Sample&Hold, Trapezoid, and Joystick, thus achieving richer movements of noise layer modulations.

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A soft and heavily reverberated synth voice consisting of two layers. The basic layer is formed by Oscillator 1 square signal through the Filter and Envelope Generator, while the upper bell-like sounds are created in the Ring modulator in OSC2 mode, where Oscillator 2 is modulated by Sample&Hold. The output of the Ring modulator is connected in parallel to both the Filter and Effects-outputs. The direct signals of the Filter and Envelope Generator are each connected to its own output channel for creating a stereo effect. The frequency of Oscillator 1 is modulated by Oscillator 2, which in turn is modulated by Oscillator 3. The frequency of the filter is modulated by the Trapezoid and Oscillator 3; the Oscillator Shape modulates Sample&Hold. The joystick controls the frequencies of Oscillators 2 and 3.

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A sound FX patch with heavy modulation options. The Filter signal is connected to the Ringmodulator in VCO3 mode, while the Ringmodulator signal is connected back to the Filter, creating feedback resonance. The Filter and Ringmodulator are each connected to their own output channel to create a stereo effect. The Ring modulator is also connected in parallel to the Effects, which are then connected to both output channels, merging the overall sound. Filter Frequency and Envelope Generator Decay are modulated by OSC3 and Sample&Hold signals, The Filter is additionally controlled by the Trapezoid. OSC1&2 are also modulated by Sample&Hold, OSC2 is additionally modulated by OSC3. Noise and OSC1 signals serve as Sample&Hold modulation sources. The Joystick controls OSC2&3 frequencies.


Sound FX reminiscent of the operation of an internal combustion engine, achieved with crossmodulated Oscillators and Trapezoid signals. In the audio chain, OSC2&3 + Trapezoid signals are connected to the Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode. In parallel to OSC2, an Envelope Generator is connected, the output signal of which is sent to the Effects, which in turn are connected to the Filter. The Ringmodulator and Envelope Signal are each connected to their own output channel to create a stereo effect. The Filter and Effects are connected to both output channels. The OSC3 signal is sent to the SCOPE output, which modulates the Output 2 level through the inverted Input 2, while the direct OSC3 signal modulates the level of Output 1, creating a stereo effect. The SCOPE-Input2 signal together with Noise serves as a modulation source for Sample&Hold, which modulates the Envelope Generator Decay level, OSC3 and Filter Frequency. Oscillator Shape is modulated by OSC2. The Joystick controls all Oscillator frequencies.


A sound FX patch for creative use of the Noise signal. OSC1 is connected to the Ringmodulator in Noise mode while the Ringmodulator is connected in parallel to the Filter and the Envelope Generator, both of which are connected to the Effects and each has its own output channel, while the Effects are connected to both outputs separately. The Trapezoid serves as a modulator for OSC3 and Filter Frequency. Sample&Hold modulates the Oscillator Shape, Decay level and Filter Frequency. The Joystick controls OSC1&3, Oscillator Shape and together with the Noise signal, serves as a source of modulations for Sample&Hold.


OSC1 is connected to the Ringmodulator in OSC3 mode; OSC2 is connected to Envelope Generator. The Ringmodulator and Envelope Signal are connected to the Filter, which is then connected to the Effects. For a sharper sound, the Filter signal is connected in parallel to the Ringmodulator and also sent back to the Filter to form a feedback loop. OSC2 and Filter Frequency are modulated by OSC3. Envelope Decay, Oscillator Shape and OSC3 are modulated by Sample&Hold. The Joystick controls OSC1&2 Frequency.


OSC1 is connected to the Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode, the Ringmodulator is connected to the Envelope Generator and Filter. The Envelope and Filter signals are further connected in parallel to the Effects and each to its own output channel for creating a stereo effect. The filter signal is additionally sent both to the Ringmodulator and back into itself to create a feedback loop for a sharper sound. Filter Frequency is modulated by the OSC1 square signal and Sample&Hold. OSC2 is modulated by OSC3. Envelope Decay level and OSC3 Frequency are modulated by Sample&Hold. The Joystick controls OSC1&2 Frequency and Oscillator Shape.


A patch for drones and rhythmical textures. Osc1 and 2 together with Noise are connected to the Ringmodulator and then to the Effects. The Ringmodulator is connected directly to one output channel to create a stereo effect with the directly connected OSC1 signal in the second channel. Osc2 and 3 are connected to the Filter. The effects are connected in parallel both to the Filter and through the direct outputs. Filter Frequency is modulated by OSC2 and 3; OSC2 is modulated by OSC1 and Sample&Hold (Noise as a modulation source); Oscillator Shape is modulated by Sample&Hold and Trapezoid; OSC3 is modulated by Trapezoid. The Joystick controls OSC1 frequency, Oscillator Shape and also serves as a modulation source for Sample&Hold.


A patch for drones and rhythmical textures. The Oscillators are connected to the Filter, then in parallel to the Envelope Generator and Effects. The Oscillator 1 sin signal is also connected to the Ringmodulator in OSC3 mode and then to the Envelope Generator. The stereo effect is created by connecting the Filter and Envelope Signals each to its own Output channel and panning them. The OSC3 signal, controlled by the Joystick, modulates the rest of the Oscillators' frequency and Decay signals and also serves as a modulator for the Sample&Hold module, which modulates OSC2 and Filter frequency and together with the Trapezoid, modulates the Oscillator Shape and Decay signals.


A patch for effects using the SYNTRX’s modulation sequencing capabilities. Noise and OSC1 signals go through the Ringmodulator in OSC3 mode, then to the Envelope Generator, Filter and Effects. For a stereo effect, the Envelope Generator signal is heard through one Output channel and the Ringmodulator and Filter signals - through the other. Effects, on the other hand are going to both, thus merging the channel differences. OSC1 is modulated by OSC3; OSC3 is modulated by OSC2 and Trapezoid; Filter Frequency is modulated by the Trapezoid and Sample&Hold (Trapezoid as a modulation source); Decay is also modulated by Sample&Hold. The Joystick controls all Oscillator and Filter frequencies as well as Oscillator Shape and Decay, and these modulations are sequenced accordingly.


A diverse-sounding Synth voice with Vibrato fx, Ring, and FM modulations. One part of the timbre is formed by OSC1 and 2 together with the Noise connected to the Envelope Generator, and the other - by the OSC1 signal through the Ringmodulator in OSC3 mode. Both parts meet in the Filter, which is connected both directly to the Outputs and Effects. The stereo effect is created by OSC3, which modulates the level of one Output channel with the direct signal, and the other - with the inverted signal obtained by connecting it through the Scope output to Input 2. OSC3 also modulates the frequency of OSC2. Sample&Hold, using Noise as a modulation source, modulates the Oscillator Shape and Decay level. Filter frequency is modulated by the Trapezoid. Joystick controls OSC1 and 2 frequencies.


An example of a Synth voice with sequenced modulations. OSC1 signals are connected to both the Envelope Generator (together with Noise) and Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode. The Envelope signal then goes through the Filter and Effects, while the Ringmodulator signal goes directly through the Effects. For a stereo effect, the Envelope Generator is connected to one output channel, and the Filter and Ringmodulator - to the other. The Trapezoid modulates OSC3 and Filter Frequency; Sample&Hold modulates OSC3 and Decay level while OSC3 modulates Oscillator Shape. Sample&Hold uses a wide bouquet of modulation sources - OSC2, Noise, Trapezoid and its own signal. The Joystick controls OSC3, Oscillator Shape, Decay level and Filter Frequency and these parameters are sequenced.


Patch for Voice processing and synthesizer dronetone accompaniment. External input Envelope Follover signal together with Oscillators is connected to Ringmodulator in Input mode. In parallel, it modulates the Oscillator 3 frequency and also serves as an input source for the Sample&Hold module. Next, the Ringmodulator signal goes to the Filter and Effects in parallel, where it meets the External audio and Filter signals. Stereophony consists of the Ringmodulator and Filter signals connected to each of their own outputs, while the Effects are connected to both outputs. Sample&Hold in this circuit modulates Oscillator 2 and Filter frequency. In addition, the Filter is also modulated by the Trapezoid signal, whose Gate is turned by the Envelope Follower. The joystick controls the Oscillator 1 frequency and additionally modulates the Sample&Hold input.


Patch for external signal processing and rhythmic bass accompaniment. This example uses a jam recording with metal percussion. The first External input is connected to Effects and additionally modulates Oscillators Shape. The external input Envelope Follover signal modulates the frequency of Oscillator 2 and Filter, and also serves as a modulation source for the Sample&Hold module. The rhythmic bass is formed by Oscillator 1, the signals of which are connected to the Trapezoid module, which is further connected to the Filter, as well as the Ringmodulator signal in External signal 2 mode, to which the signals of Oscillators 1&2 are connected. The Ring modulator is also connected to the Filter together with the Envelope Signal and the direct Oscillator signals. The Filter Frequency is additionally modulated by the Trapezoid signal, whose Gate is driven by the Envelope Follower of the External Input.


I put this patch together to process a jam recording with Marimba. The first external input is connected to Filter and Effects while its Envelope Follover signal modulates the Oscillators Shape. The other external input is connected to the Ringmodulator in Oscillator 3 mode, which is further connected to the Filter and Effects. The trapezoid signal, whose gate is driven by the first external input Envelope Followover, modulates the Oscillator 3 frequency. Sample&Hold modulates the Oscillator 2 frequency (which synchronizes the Oscillator 3 frequency in the Ringmodulator), and also modulates the Filter Frequency together with the Oscillator 3 frequency. Joystick controls Oscillators 2&3 and Filter frequency. As a result of the chain, we get a Ringmodulator with a variable vibrato effect (Osc3).


In this example, a field recording with raindrops processed by SYNTRX Ringmodulator, Filter and Effects is played accompanied by a drone tone. This is where the ability to record changes to the Delay Time parameter is used. The external input is connected to the Ringmodulator in Oscillator 2 mode, which is further connected to the Filter together with the Oscillator 1 sine signal (drone tone) and Effects. The External signal also modulates Oscillator 1 and the Filter frequency. At the same time, the External input Envelope Follover signal modulates Oscillator 2&3 frequencies, which also serves as a modulation source for the Sample&Hold module. In addition, Oscillator 2 (which synchronizes the other Oscillators) frequency modulated by Oscillator 1 and Trapezoid signals. Oscillators shape modulated by Oscillator 3. Sample&Hold signal modulates Decay time and Filter frequency. The Joystick controls the frequencies of Oscillators 2&3 and Filter, and additionally modulates the Ringmodulator input.


SYNTRX accompaniment for a rhythmic piano loop. The external input is connected to the Filter together with Oscillator 1 and the Envelope signal with Oscillator 2. The Filter signal is additionally mixed in the filter, forming a feedback loop. Trapezoid, whose Gate is driven by the External Input Envelope Follower, modulates the Oscillator's Shape and Filter frequency. In addition, the Filter, as well as the Decay time are modulated by Oscillator 3 through the Sample&Hold module, whose Gate is also driven by the Envelope Follower. Joystick controls Oscillator's 1&2 frequency.


The modulated sharp sound layer is formed by all 3 Oscillators tuned to a chord through the Filter, the frequency of which is modulated by the Trapezoid and Envelope audio signal. In addition, the Oscillator 1 signals are connected directly to the Effects - Outputs creating a pure, unmodulated sound layer. The Filter signal is connected in parallel to one output and to the Envelope Generator, which is connected to the other output, together creating a stereo effect. Another portion of the Envelope signal is connected to the Effects, adding a bit of dirt to the clean Oscillator 1 tones. Decay is modulated by Oscillator 3 and the Oscillator Shape is modulated by Sample & Hold. The Joystick changes the timbre of the overall sound by modulating the Oscillator Shape and Envelope Signal.


Cross-modulated Oscillators and Cross-modulated modulators with the possibility to radically change the sound with the Joystick, which controls the pitch (Oscillator 1 & 2 frequencies), timbre (Filter frequency) and modulation frequency (Decay). The Oscillator signals go in 4 interconnected circuits through the Filter, Envelope Generator, Ringmodulator and Effects. The Ringmodulator and Envelope signals are each connected to their own output channel for a stereo effect, while the Filter and Effects go to both outputs.


Oscillator 1 & 2 signals go through the Filter and in parallel through the Ringmodulator + Envelope Generator, whose signal is also connected to the Filter as well as the Effect. The filter frequency is modulated by Sample & Hold; Oscillator 2 frequency and Oscillator shape are modulated by the Trapezoid signal. The Joystick controls Oscillator 1 & 3 frequencies.


A more advanced Acid Line where Oscillator 2 frequency is modulated by Oscillator 3 and the Oscillator Shape - by Sample & Hold (Trapezoid used as input signal). The Joystick controls Oscillator 2 and 3 and Filter frequencies as well as Envelope Decay and is also used as an additional input signal to the Ringmodulator. By sequencing the Joystick parameters, you can get a rich and time-varying synth voice. For a stereophonic effect, the Envelope and Ringmodulator signals are connected each to its own output channel.


Oscillator 1 square and Oscillator 2 signals are connected to the Envelope Generator, while the Oscillator 1 sine signal is sent to the Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode. Both signal chains come together with the Noise signal in the Filter. In addition, the Oscillator 1 sine signal is connected directly to the Filter. Oscillator 2 frequency is modulated by the signal of Oscillator 3. Filter Frequency is modulated by Sample & Hold, Trapezoid and Oscillator 2 signals. Oscillator Shape is modulated by Trapezoid, while Decay is randomly changed by Sample & Hold. The Joystick controls the frequencies of Oscillators 1 & 3 allowing you to play with pitch and FM modulation frequency.


An experimental patch with cross-modulated oscillators and richly modulated filter and Sample&Hold modules. Oscillator 1 sine wave is connected in parallel both through the filter, where it meets the Noise Signal through the Envelope Generator, and the Ringmodulator in VCF mode. After that, the Filter and the Ringmodulator are each connected to their own output, creating a stereo effect, and both together also go through the Effect, which is connected separately to both outputs, merging the stereo effect. The Joystick controls the frequencies of all Oscillators..


Juicy-sounding irregular interval drums that can be useful in styles ranging from experimental jazz to breakcore. The Beat intensity and tempo changes are achieved by simultaneously modulating the Envelope Generator Decay with Sample & Hold, while Oscillator 3 frequency is modulated by Trapezoid and Sample & Hold and Filter Frequency - with Oscillator 3 and Sample & Hold. In addition, both Oscillator 3 frequency and Decay can be controlled in parallel with the Joystick. In the first part of the audio example, the Joystick is played manually, and in the second, the movement of the Joystick is recorded in a loop. The timbral side of the sound consists of the Oscillator 1 sine signal connected to the Envelope Generator together with Noise and the Ringmodulator with the Oscillator 1 square signal through Oscillator 3. The Envelope signal is then sent to the Filter. The Filter and Ringmodulator are each connected to their own output channel for a stereo effect, and both go through the Effect, which is separately connected to both output channels.


An easier way to play broken, irregular drums. Kick and tom-like sounds are achieved with the Oscillator 1 sine signal, which is connected in parallel to both the Envelope Generator - Filter and Ringmodulator in OSC3 mode and then Effects. Oscillator 3 frequency and Envelope Decay are modulated by Sample & Hold and controlled by the Joystick. Filter Frequency is modulated by Trapezoid and the Filter itself. By changing the Decay signal, the Filter frequency changes through the Trapezoid and we achieve a changing intensity of beats over time.


An example of a multi-layered (all Oscillator signals + Noise) subtractive synth voice, whose main source of modulation is the Joystick, which controls the frequency of Oscillator 2 (as a modulator for Oscillator 1); Oscillator Shape; Decay and Filter frequency levels. In this example, the levels of the Joystick X and Y axes are sequenced. Filter Frequency is additionally modulated by Sample & Hold, while the Oscillator Shape is modulated by the Trapezoid.


A Ringmodulator-based synth voice. Oscillators 1 & 2 are connected to the Ringmodulator in OSC2 mode (an interesting result can also be achieved in OSC3 mode), the signal then goes through the filter and both the Ringmodulator and the Filter are connected each to their own output channel for stereophony. In parallel, the Filter signal together with the Oscillator 2 direct signal is also connected to the Effect with separate output patch points. Oscillators 2 & 3 are cross-modulated; Oscillator 3 is additionally modulated by the Trapezoid signal. The Oscillator Shape and Filter frequency are modulated by Oscillator 3; the Envelope Decay is modulated by Sample & Hold. The Joystick controls the frequency of Oscillators 1 and 3.


A patch based on Sample & Hold as a modulation source (Oscillator 2; Filter Frequency; Decay). Joystick controlled Oscillators 1 & 2 are connected in parallel to the Trapezoid; Ringmodulator and Effects modules. The Envelope signal from Trapezoid is then sent to the Filter where it meets the Noise signal and then to the Effects where it is joined by the Ringmodulator signal. For a sharper sound, the Filter signal is sent back to the Filter in parallel. Effects and Filter modules are connected to both outputs separately, but the Ringmodulator and Envelope signal are each sent to their own output channel for creating a stereo effect.


A patch for processing external sound sources. Input 1 is connected to the Filter together with Oscillator 1 & 2 signals. Oscillator 2 is additionally connected to the Trapezoid. The Filter and Trapezoid Envelope Signal are then sent to the Effects. The Filter and Effects are connected separately to both output channels, while the Envelope Signal is connected to only one output for creating a stereo effect. Oscillator 2 and the Filter Frequency are modulated by the Trapezoid, Oscillator Shape is modulated by Input 1 Envelope Follower. The Joystick controls Oscillator 1 & 2 Frequency.


Oscillator 1 square and Oscillator 2 signals together with Noise are sent to the Filter - Envelope Generator - Outputs. In addition, the Envelope Signal is sent to the Effects - Outputs. Oscillator 2 Frequency and Envelope Decay level are modulated by Sample & Hold. The rhythm is created by the Gate recorded in the Joystick module. The joystick also controls Oscillator 2 and Filter Frequency.


The only sound source is Noise, which goes through the Ringmodulator, Filter and Effects in various combinations of connections of these modules. The first two are connected each to its own output channel to create a stereo effect, but the Effects are connected to both output channels to blur the stereo sound. Noise, Filter and Effects signals are connected together in the Ringmodulator. The Ringmodulator and Filter signals are connected to the Effects and Filter. Filter Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 3, which cyclically creates the sound effect of approaching thunder. The Joystick controls Oscillator 3 and Filter Frequency.


FM Synth voice. All Oscillator signals are sent to the Envelope Generator (Trapezoid) - Filter. Then the Filter is connected to the Ringmodulator together with the Trapezoid cv signal and finally, the Filter and Ringmodulator signals meet in the Effects module. The Ringmodulator is connected to only one output channel for a stereo effect, while the Filter and Effects - to both. Oscillator 2 Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 3 and Sample & Hold. S&H also modulates the Decay level of the Trapezoid. The Oscillator Shape is modulated by the Filter and the Filter Frequency is modulated by Trapezoid. The Joystick controls Oscillator 1 Frequency and also serves as a modulation source for Sample & Hold.


A patch for creating sound textures with irregular rhythm pulsations. First, the Oscillator 2 (synced with Oscillator1) signal is sent to the filter connected to the Ringmodulator (Oscillator 3 as a modulator). In parallel, the Filter signal is sent back to the Filter for self-modulation. On the other hand, the Oscillator 1 signal goes directly through the Ringmodulator. Finally, the Filter and the Ringmodulator are connected each to their own output channel, thus creating a stereo effect. In parallel, the signals of both are sent to the Effects module in Reverberator mode, which is connected separately to both outputs, merging the stereo arrangement of the signals. The Trapezoid is used for Oscillator 3 frequency; Oscillator Shape and Filter Frequency modulation. The Sample & Hold signal modulates the Trapezoid Decay and Filter Frequency. The tonal changes of the sound can be played with the Joystick, which controls the frequencies of Oscillators 1 and 2.


All Oscillators and noise signals are sent to the Filter, which is further connected to Trapezoid and Effects. The Filter and Trapezoid are each connected to their own output channel to create a stereo effect. In parallel, the Filter is connected to Effects, which are connected separately to both output channels. Oscillator 2 frequency is modulated by Sample & Hold. Oscillator Shape is modulated by the Trapezoid and Filter signals. The Filter Frequency is modulated by Sample & Hold. The joystick controls Oscillator 2 and the Filter Frequency and is connected to the Sample & Hold input.


Oscillator 1 sine and Oscillator 2 signals as well as noise are sent to the Filter, which is connected to the outputs. In parallel, the Filter signal passes through the Trapezoid, which is connected to Effects and separate outputs. The rhythmic nature of the bass pulsation is created by Trapezoid, which modulates Oscillator 3 and Filter Frequency, while Sample & Hold also modulates the Filter Frequency and Trapezoid Decay level. The joystick can play tonal changes in the sound by controlling the Oscillator Frequency.


A multi-layered and rich-sounding synth voice, achieved by separately processing Oscillator signals in different combinations of SYNTRX II modules. Oscillator 1 and Noise signals go through the Trapezoid to the Ringmodulator where they meet Oscillators 2 & 3. The Ringmodulator and Trapezoid signals then go through the Filter to the outputs while Oscillator 3 is connected in parallel to the Effects and outputs. An incomplete portion of the Effects signal is also sent to the Filter and Ringmodulator in parallel, thus thickening the sound character. The Envelope (Trapezoid) signal is connected to only one output channel, creating a stereo effect in relation to the Filter signal in both channels. Oscillator 2 and Filter Frequency as well as Envelope Decay level are modulated by Sample & Hold. Oscillator Shape and Decay level are both modulated by the Trapezoid. The joystick controls Oscillator 3 and Filter Frequency. Timbral diversity can be achieved by varying the levels of individual modules.


A patch for external signal processing. The first audio input is connected to the Ringmodulator (VCF as a modulator) and with the Envelope Follower, it forms a Gate for the Oscillator 1 signal, which is connected to the Trapezoid and then to the Filter. The second audio input is connected to the Effects, where it mixed with a Ring-modulated Input 1. Oscillator 1 Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 2 which is in turn modulated by the Trapezoid. Oscillator Shape is modulated by the Envelope Follower. Filter Frequency is modulated by Oscillator 1. The Joystick controls Oscillator 1, 2, and Filter Frequency.

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